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Our transportation services are handled by Fornshell Bus Service.
(218) 746-3770

2024-2025 Transportation Form
This form is due from every family who needs transportation. A new form is required EACH year. 

Please click this button to fill out a NEW FORM for this upcoming school year. 

2024-2025 Transportation form

Busing Policy for 2024-25

Following you will also find information shared from Fornshell Busing regarding transportation policies.   As we grow, although we want to maintain that small town feel, there are a few safety concerns that arise as you get to be a larger system.  Again this year we will maintain the policy of a one A.M. and one P.M. bus stop and we are asking that every parent or guardian complete a transportation form at the beginning of each year whether you need transportation or not.  Please read through the document to answer any questions you may have.


Please review this with your children who ride the bus.